Many Patients With Depression Psychologists At The Maluku Hospital Are Triggered By Romance Issues

MALUKU - Clinical Psychologist for the Maluku Regional Special Hospital (RSKD) said patients with depression and anxiety due to love problems were the ones who did the most therapy in the hospital psychologist poly.

"In a week there are usually at least eight or more patients who come here to do therapy," said Clinical Psychologist RSKD Maluku Vebry Wattimena M.Psi in Ambon, Maluku, Monday, March 6, as reported by Antara.

According to him, a number of these patients usually come with mentally disturbed conditions due to many factors such as breakup, stress in work, and not being able to process stress properly in him.

He said many patients who needed psychological therapy were at the productive age of 20 to 30 years due to love problems.

"I always emphasize to my patients who are depressed because of breakup, that dating is friends but with more intense communication. So don't mean that when you lose a girlfriend, half of our lives are lost. No, it's different from losing family members," he said.

So that handling by psychologists is important to help them get out of these conditions.

The reason is it is feared that if a person whose mental state is disturbed but not given special treatment or therapy will be at risk of having an impact on negative actions that lead to other crimes.

"That's actually how their stress conditions are, regarding how they respond to a problem in front of them," he explained.

However, despite this, a person's ability to manage stress in himself is certainly different from one another.

This is related to how a person takes out his stress on other things and there are also people who need psychologists to solve their problems.

For this reason, Vebry emphasized the importance of managing stress well for young people to avoid certain mental disorders.