Overcoming Food Logistics, ID FOOD Group Optimizes Integrated Distribution Facilities

JAKARTA - SOE Food Holding ID FOOD will prepare integrated food distribution facilities as an effort to assist the government in the implementation of Government Food Reserves (CPP).

The supporting facilities prepared are in the form of permanent cold storage infrastructure, portable cold storage, reefer containers to fleets equipped with integrated, digitally monitored cooling.

Director of Supply Chain Management and Information Technology of Food Holding ID FOOD Bernadetta Raras said the facility is to ensure the availability and affordability of food to the district level throughout Indonesia managed by ID FOOD Group through a subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Trade Indonesia (PPI), namely PT BGR Logistik Indonesia (BLI) which acts as an integrator of the cold supply chain integrator.

According to Raras, ID FOOD Group will optimize the trade and logistics sectors it manages by playing a role as food logistics integrator and attracting synergies with national logistics providers that can be accessed digitally.

"We are ready to work together to increase the capacity and distribution scheme that is digitally integrated for food logistics, starting from storage warehouses, especially cold storage warehouses supported by the availability of several cold chains that make it easier to reach every consumer outlet," said Raras, in an official statement, Monday, March 6.

Meanwhile, Operations Director of PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (PPI) Tri Wahyundo Hariyatno said his party was ready to support the implementation of an integrated food supply chain in Indonesia.

Tri explained that the portable cold storage facility managed by its subsidiary has an advantage in setting temperatures that can be adjusted to the needs of other meat, fish and food commodities up to minus 40 degrees Celsius, supported by a capacity of 10 tons for freezing with an ABF machine.

Then, continued Tri, storage is currently only 380 tons and at any time it can be upgraded quickly to 1000 tons capacity. The location is also in the Jakarta business center which is close to the port.

"In addition to portable cold storage, we also optimize dozens of cold chains of land transportation that are able to function as successors to sea and air transportation modes equipped with GPS and mobile trace & tracks for monitoring logistics activities through the PT BLI control command center tower, which is able to distribute food and non-food commodities to remote areas of the district," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Director of Commercial and Operations of PT BLI Syailendra added that the distribution of food commodities managed is also supported by digital applications through Fleet Integrated and Order Monitoring Application (FIONA), which is an application that functions to improve the supervisory function starting from orders, distributions, fleets, data quality to information reporting and order management.

"Through optimizing the portable cold storage facility and the cold chain ID FOOD Group fleet, it is hoped that it can support the government in implementing CPP, especially in the food logistics sector, so that the quality of meat, fish or other food commodities is maintained properly," concluded Syailendra.

Previously, the President Director of Food Holding ID FOOD Frans Marganda Tambunan said that according to Presidential Decree No. 125 of 2022, the government gave confidence and asked ID FOOD as a Food SOE to contribute to stock stabilization and food prices.

In operating, ID FOOD becomes a healthy Food SOE commercially to achieve profit, and of course it can also provide benefits for the nation and state, especially through the CPP program.