Give Custody To Aldilla Jelita, Indra Bekti Apologizes To His Children

JAKARTA - Indra Bekti stated that he was ready to accept Aldilla Jelita's desire to end the household. Even the 45-year-old presenter has no problem with the child custody that his wife wants.

Bekti said that from her agreement with Dhila, the child custody in the future is in the hands of his wife. However, that doesn't mean he has to be hindered when he wants to meet his two daughters, Dafania Sahira Indrabrkti and Anabell Juli.

"Children are indeed custody in Dhila, but whenever I want to (meet a child), that's okay. Or children want to meet too," said Indra Bekti in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta on Friday, March 3, 2023.

Since he no longer lives with Dhila, Bekti said he had never met his two children again. It has been about two weeks since he had been longing to meet Dafania and Anabell.

However, Bekti knew that there were times when she could meet her two daughters. Currently, he is giving up his children to be taken care of completely by Dhila.

Considering his own condition which has not yet recovered one hundred percent, Bekti apologized for not being able to take care of his children.

"For Abel and Dafni, I apologize profusely, if for example my father only took care of you for a while. But after this, don't worry, my father will definitely take care of you, he will still take care of you, he will still love you," said Indra Bekti.

"For Dafni and Abel, hopefully you can learn well, be a good boy, still love your mother and still love your father, pray, don't forget," he continued.

As various information, Indra Bekti's divorce from Aldilla Jelita was registered at the South Jakarta Religious Court, where Dhila was the plaintiff. Aldilla Jelita's divorce suit is registered with number 877/Pdt.G/2023/PA.JS.