Siak Riau Regent Makes Sure His Men Don't Show Off Luxury: Moge Is Not Here

SIAK - The Regent of Siak, Riau Province, Alfedri said that there were no officials in his area who showed off luxury so there was still no need to make appeals to his staff regarding this matter.

"We don't have any luxury in Siak. What is the luxury, if there is no'moge' (big motorbike) there is no one here, at least Nmax," said Alfedri, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 3.

Asked about the wealth report of state officials in Siak Regency, he claimed his staff was orderly. Officials who are required to report LHKPN last year are 100 percent who reported it both in the district government and the Siak DPRD.

"We are orderly, Siak is an official who is obliged to report 100 percent of LHKPN, DPRD too, last year," he said.

However, for this year he admitted that he had not reported it. Based on data accessed from the LHKPN website, the Corruption Eradication Institution can be seen that the Siak Regent has reported assets and assets for the period December 31, 2021.

In the LHKPN, Alfedri's assets amounted to Rp4.3 billion. The increase from the number reported on December 31, 2021 was Rp. 3.5 billion, so there was an increase of around Rp. 800 million.

Of these assets, the most are cash or other cash equivalents amounting to Rp1.8 billion. Then there is land and buildings worth Rp1.6 billion and transportation equipment and other movable assets of around Rp800 million.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Regent of Siak, Husni Merza, saw that his last LHKPN status was also reported on December 31, 2021. In the report, his assets reached Rp. 2 billion, an increase from the previous year which was only Rp. 697 million.