Disappointment Of The People, Jokowi Asks The Ministry Of Underprivileged Disciplinary Institutions To Show Off Their Power

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in his introduction to the Plenary Cabinet Session at the State Palace, Jakarta touched on the behavior of state officials who show off their power in front of the people. This was mentioned by the President when he conveyed his views on cases of violence, showing off luxury cars to upholding vehicle taxes involving children from former officials of the Directorate General of Taxes, which drew people's disappointment. "From comments that I read both in the field and on social media because of events in taxes and Customs, I know very well, following the public's disappointment with our apparatus," Jokowi said, starting his introduction as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, March 1. He then said that it was natural to reap people's disappointment. "Because the service was considered not good, then the behavior of the apparatus was sumawa and showed off their power, then showed off their wealth, hedonis," he said. He asked the ministry and institutions to discipline the apparatus under him. Including the National Police, the Attorney General's Office and other legal apparatus.

"Once again I want to emphasize, don't show off your power, don't show off your wealth, let alone be displayed on Instagram, on social media," he said.