With Regard To PIE And PIH Acne And How To Overcome It

JAKARTA - PIE stands for Post-inflammatory Erythema or acne scars caused by widening and damage to blood vessels during the inflammatory phase. This makes the appearance of red or pink spots on the skin. PIE acne scars are usually reddish, pink or purple.

Meanwhile, PIH stands for Post inflammatory Hyperpigmentation. PIH itself occurs due to excessive melanin production in the epidermis section after inflammation of the skin. The skin will turn darker on the skin after acne is gone.

Acne previously came from comodo and developed into pustula or acne containing pusat. This Pustula will later break and result in acne scars or acne scars. Redness or blackness acne scars are certainly very disturbing. PIE acne scars occur due to acne depletion, the use of skincare whose dose is too high, and sun exposure, while PIH acne scars are caused by acne inflammation, sun exposure, and excess melanin skin.

If you experience problems with acne scars, here are how to deal with PIE and PIH on your facial skin, reported HighEnd, Thursday, March 2.

How To Overcome Former PiH Acne

Each skin certainly has different characteristics. Therefore, in order to get satisfactory results, you need to carry out regular skin care for 3-6 months. This treatment will of course also help your skin become healthier.