South Korean President Calls Cooperation With US And Japan Key To Overcoming North Korean Threats

JAKARTA - South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol said on Wednesday trilateral cooperation with the United States and Japan had become more important than ever before, to address North Korea's growing nuclear threat and other crises.

President Yoon spoke at an event to commemorate the historic independence movement against Japan's occupation of 1910-1945 in Korea.

"Japan has transformed from a militaristic aggressor in the past, to a partner who has the same universal values as us," President Yoon said.

"Currently Korea and Japan are working together on security and economic issues. We are also working together to address global challenges."

"We must stand in solidarity with countries that have the same universal values," said President Yoon.

President Yoon's comments came after South Korea's Presidential Office said on Tuesday officials from South Korea, the United States, and Japan had held their first economic security dialogue, amid efforts to strengthen supply chain resilience and develop technology.

Although relations between Japan and Korea are sometimes not harmonious, along with the United States, these three countries want to expand cooperation in different fields in the face of rising global tensions, with tougher China and unpredictable North Korea.

Last November, President Yoon and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida agreed to continue discussions to resolve pending issues, according to President Yoon's office, while trying to improve relations burdened by historical disputes.