Held Religious Conflict Detection Training, Ministry Of Religion: Knowing Preventive Steps And Maping Problems

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion's Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat) held an early detection training for religious social conflicts which was attended by 400 people and held in two waves.

"Religious and national conflict must be detected as early as possible so that before there is a conflict, we can prevent it," said Head of the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Religion Suyitno in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 28, as quoted by Antara.

Suyitno said that socio-religious conflicts are not only in Indonesia, but in all places in this world. Indonesia with its religion, religion, ethnicity, or language, has the potential for socio-religious conflicts.

According to him, early detection requires preventive measures from the start. "Knowing how to take preventive and mitigate steps and how to map the problem," said Suyitno.

He hopes that the training alumni will get input to detect potential conflicts and jump directly into reporting in the field.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Center for Education and Religious Technical Personnel of the Ministry of Religion Mastuki revealed that this training was the second year of the plan to implement the flagship religious index program.

"This early detection of social conflict is included in the category of the Pusdiklat flagship program which uses a policy based training approach. The curriculum is designed by the team consisting of several related experts," said Mastuki.

The training is carried out in two waves. The first wave is from February 27 to March 4, 2023 and the second wave is held from March 6 to 11, 2023.

He said the first wave was divided into six batches with 202 participants consisting of the Head of Penais, Hindu Community Government, Buddhist Community Government and Khonghucu Regional Office of the Provincial Ministry of Religion throughout Indonesia, heads/managers of religious moderation houses of Islamic religious universities, and representatives of echelon II center and FKUB from DKI Jakarta Province and cities in Jakarta.

Furthermore, said Mastuki, the participants of the VII-XII class came from Christian leaders, the Regional Office of the Catholic Community Office of the Provincial Ministry of Religion throughout Indonesia, the head/manager of the religious moderation house of Islamic universities.

Then the deputy chancellor/deputy chairman of non-Muslim religious universities in the field of student affairs, representatives of the central echelon II, FKUB from DKI Jakarta Province and cities in Jakarta, Jabodetabek, and Pokjaluh of all religions in districts/cities in DKI Jakarta.

"The total number of participants for wave 2 is 198 people," he said.