Light The State Budget's Weight, SMF Releases Bonds Rp2 Trillion To Build Cheap Houses

JAKARTA - PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (SMF) in the first quarter of 2023 is said to have issued sustainable bonds VI phase IV in 2023 with a principal amount of IDR 2 trillion for IDAAA from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo).

SMF President Director Ananta Wiyogo said the issuance of this debt securities was part of the VI ongoing public offering with the realization of bond issuance of IDR 9 trillion.

"The funds obtained from this bond are planned to be used to support the government's fiscal burden reduction program through the credit financing program for housing housing housing housing housing housing facilities (KPR FLPP) for low-income people (MBR)," he said in a written statement on Monday, February 27.

According to Ananta, the bonds consist of one series with a fixed interest rate of 6.85 percent per year, and a period of 5 years from the date of emission.

He explained that the payment of bond principals in full (bullet payment) will be made on the date of repayment of bonds.

Bonds issued unwarkat, except for jumbo bonds issued by the company on behalf of PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) as proof of debt for the benefit of bond holders and offered a value of 100 percent of the principal amount of bonds.

"As fiscal tools, the way we take plays a role in reducing the portion of government financing at the FLPP mortgage to 75 percent from the previous 90 percent," he said.

On the same occasion, the Director General of Infrastructure Financing of the Ministry of PUPR Herry Trisaputra Zuna expressed his appreciation for SMF's initiative to meet the support needs of FLPP's companion funds.

"We hope that bond issuance can be expanded not only for FLPP but also for the housing development sector of other sectors," he said.

For information, SMF is a BUMN under the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) which has a special task as a special mission vehicle (SMV).

From 2009 to the end of 2022, SMF has released 51 debt securities with a total of IDR 50.4 trillion.

This amount consists of 38 times the issuance of bonds and sukuk mudharabah (public offering) of IDR 45.6 trillion, as many as 12 times the medium term notes (limited offers) of IDR 4.67 trillion.

Then the last one is the issuance of commercial securities amounting to Rp120 billion.