LBH Ansor Separates Protection At LPSK For Victims Mario Dandy Satrio, Davis Ozora

JAKARTA - The victim of abuse by the son of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Mario Dandy Satrio, proposed protection to the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) through LBH Ansor.

"The arrival of the victim's companion from LBH Ansor intends to apply for protection for the victim and several witnesses who are aware of the violence," said LPSK Chairman Hasto Atmojo Suroyo as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, February 25.

Mario Dandy Satrio (20) son of one of the officials at the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance abused David (17) into a coma, and had to receive medical treatment.

"LPSK has not met with the father or victim, considering that the family is still focusing on healing the victim's child who is trying to recover from a coma after the physical violence he suffered," said Hasto.

The arrival of LBH Ansor who accompanied the victim's family and several witnesses was received directly by the Deputy Chairperson of LPSK Achmadi and Susilaningtias along with a number of LPSK employees.

To Hasto, LBH Ansor representative said the application was submitted so that the victim could access protection from the state. In addition, the victim wants the incident to be thoroughly investigated and the suspects presented to the court table to be held accountable for their actions.

Apart from the victims, it is known that there are several other people who also ask for LPSK protection. They are witnesses of the incident of persecution by Mario who has now been named a suspect.

Hasto added that protection was proposed to anticipate things that were not desirable. The witnesses were reported that the victim was worried about threats, considering that the suspect's family was an official in a ministry.

"Three witnesses from the victim's family will immediately complete the petition because there is a fear from the witness considering that the perpetrator's family is an official," he said.

Meanwhile, from the victim himself, it is planned to immediately apply for protection for assistance, medical assistance and restitution facilitation.