BNPT Asks The TNI-Polri To Use The Law On Terrorism For KKB Papua

PAPUA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) has asked law enforcement officials not to hesitate to use terrorism laws in cracking down on members of the armed criminal group (KKB) in Papua.

Head of BNPT Police Commissioner General (Komjen) Boy Rafli Amar assessed the KKB Papua action of terrorism crimes. He said this after collaborating against terrorism prevention with the National Village Consultative Body Association (Abpednas) and Pemuda Panca Marga in Jakarta, Friday, February 24.

"KKB is already part of a terrorism crime," he said, quoted by Antara.

Boy said that currently the institution he leads continues to coordinate with law enforcement officers on Earth of Cenderawasih regarding the handling of the Papuan KKB.

The three-star general said law enforcement officials were asked not to hesitate because Indonesia already has a basis for taking action, namely Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism.

In addition, BNPT also has a number of programs used to create peace in Papua. The program is the Damai Ambassador, the Coordination Forum for the Prevention of Terrorism which directly involves Papuan children.

"We continue to organize this prevention program by prioritizing youth and women in Papua," he said.

Then related to law enforcement, the government, especially related agencies, namely the TNI/Polri, are currently in the process, especially in terms of the release of Captain Philips Max Mehrtens pilot Susi Air who was held hostage by KKB members.

"So all on the track, and most importantly we continue to provide enlightenment for Papuans so that they do not participate in the narrative built by the KKB network that allows violence to achieve their goals," said the Head of BNPT with the Datuak Rangkayo Basa traditional.

Regarding the KKB member who asked for some money and weapons in exchange for releasing the New Zealand citizen Susi Air pilot, Boy said it would be difficult for the government to grant.

At the same time, a team from the TNI/Polri is currently working to free the Susi Air pilot who was held hostage by the Papuan KKB. People in the country are also asked to continue to support the government in dealing with the KKB.

"Of course we don't want demands that are beyond common sense to be met," he said.