So Evidence Important When Accident, What Is A Car Dashcam?

YOGYAKARTA What is Dashcam? Dashcam is short for the dashboard camera. This is one of the accessories installed in the car to help drive safety.

Dashcam can be a silent witness as well as strong evidence when motorists face people who try to cheat on the road by pretending to be victims of a hit-and-run.

Well, in this article, it will be discussed what the dashboard of the car is and how it works.

The car's dashboard camera (dashcam) is a small camera mounted on the dashboard of the car or the front of the windshield. This accessories installation aims to record what happens while driving.

In addition to being installed on the inside of the windshield, the dashcam is also often installed on the back of the car and the back of the mid-view mirror. This will make the shooting distance more optimal.

What is the function of the Mobile Dashcam?

The main function of the car's dashcam is as a recording device while driving. Footage from the dashboard camera can be evidence if the driver has an accident.

In addition, the presence of a dashcam can also prevent drivers from fraud and extortion crimes. For example, when someone pretends to be hit by a car, then demands compensation.

Such things can be avoided, because the dashcam can record events that occur outside the car.

Dashcam can also usually be a more calculated value when applying for or registering car insurance. This is because the recordings can make it easier for vehicle owners to claim car insurance.

A number of dashcams have now installed GPS features. This feature will make it easier for vehicle owners to find out the position of the car when it is parked.

How Does the Car Dashcam Work?

Adapting CNN Indonesia, Friday, February 24, 2023, a car dashcam that functions as a surveillance camera, gets direct power from the car. This energy flows through an adapter that is plugmed into a 12V plug.

How this works makes the dashcam adjust to turn on and record automatically when the car engine starts.

Dashcam car has many types. For example, a device that only has one camera to face the front or two cameras to simultaneously monitor the front and cabin areas.

However, a common dashcam is stimulated in the windshield and near the middle mirror. The camera is usually faced towards the hood of the machine to record the incident in front of the driver.

For dashcams equipped with two cameras, other cameras are used to record activities in the cabin. This accessories is usually used by someone who uses a personal driver to find out driving activities, for example when taking children to school.

For vehicle owners who want to install a dashcam, the installation is recommended to face-to-face and be positioned in the middle of the windshield in order to take wider pictures. This attachment is important because generally the dash cam can take the image angle up to 150 degrees.

That's the information about what the dashcam is and its functions and ways of working. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.