What's Freeware? What's The Difference With Shareware? This Is Understanding And Example

YOGYAKARTA Have you heard the term freeware? In general, this term refers to an application that can be obtained free of charge without requiring payment. But the meaning is not limited to that. So what is real freeware?

Freeware is a type of non-provital software provided by the developer for users. Simply put, freeware is a free software provided with restrictions and accompanied by certain policies.

Limits and policies put forward by freeware copyright holders must be obeyed by people who want to use freeware. The forms of limitations and policies are varied. For example, users are not allowed to crack or modify software, sell or buy it to other users, to ban for certain purposes.

Freeware can be downloaded and installed on computer devices, or other devices with both Android and iOS operating systems. It has various forms such as applications, source code, web engine, eBook, PDF reader, and many more.

The free' element in the term freeware does not refer to the purchase or procurement, but to its use or distribution. The reason is that to make freeware requires production costs that cannot be obtained free of charge so that the creator must pay the components.

It should be noted that not all software that can be downloaded and used is free of charge, some are sharing. The difference between freeware and shareware is very visible. For example, in the use of the software.

Freeware can be used by the public really without paying, while sharing can be used only for a certain period of time after which users are required to pay if they want to use software longer.

In addition, the difference between freeware and shareware lies in the purpose of copyright holders. Freeware is really used without the purpose of making a profit so that it is usually reserved for other communities or social interests. Meanwhile, freeware can be used by anyone, with the aim of profit over time.

Until now, there are many freeware that can be used by the public without having to pay to copyright holders. Some examples of freeware are as follows.

PDF compressor is an application that can be used for free to help its users reduce the format.pdf to smaller so that it is lighter.

Opera is freeware, a browser that can be used for free by its users to surf the internet. Opera can be downloaded and installed on a computer or cellphone.

Whatsapp is an instant messaging application for exchanging text, videos, documents, images, and audio to fellow users. This application is widely used by people in the world and is free because there is no payment for a penny to use this application.

YouTube Downloader is free because users can use this application without having to pay first. This software is still free even though it helps users download videos on YouTube.

This application is like Microsoft Office which can be used by the public. Even users are allowed to use, change, and distribute it freely.

Although it is free of charge, users will feel some lack of freeware as follows.

That's information related to what is freeware. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.