Central Kalimantan Sampit Prison, Gandeng Disdukcapil, Recommends The Population Of Prisoners For The Distribution Of Election Selection Rights 2024

CENTRAL KALIMANTAN - The right to choose prisoners of the Class II B Penitentiary (Lapas) Sampit in East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan), is certainly not closed during the 2024 General Election.

The prison in collaboration with the East Kotawaringin Population and Civil Registration Service (Disdukcapil) is pursuing data collection on prisoners' ID cards for certainty of the right to vote for prisoners (WBP) when the five-year democratic party is fulfilled.

"We must immediately obtain the accuracy of the KTP with the updating and validation of the WBP ID cards, so that in the future there will be no problems in order to fulfill one of its rights in the form of channeling voting rights in general elections and other rights as citizens," said Head of Class II B Sampit Prison, Agung Supriyanto in Sampit, Central Kalimantan, Wednesday, February 22, confiscated by Antara.

The collaboration between Sampit Prison and the East Kotawaringin Disdukcapil is for the ease of administering the population administration of prisoners. The population administration became the basis when the General Elections Commission (KPU) updated voter data.

The collaboration contains updating and validation of the Population Identification Number (NIK), as well as the manufacture of ID cards for residents assisted by the Sampit Class IIB Prison who do not have it.

Agung said that it was very important for them to do this synergy and cooperation to contribute to the success of government programs, especially in the context of the accuracy of population data from all inmates, especially in 2024 there will be simultaneous elections.

"We would like to thank the Head of the Kotim Dukcapil Service and his staff who have helped Sampit Prison a lot, especially in terms of updating, validation and recording ID cards for all WBPs in Sampit Prison," said Agung.

Head of East Kotawaringin Disdukcapil Agus Tripurna Tangkasiang welcomed the Sampit Prison initiative which wanted to immediately update and validate the NIK from the inmates. This is in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration, where all citizens are required to have an ID card as one proof of their population administration.

"Based on a request from the Sampit Prison, we have also updated and validated the NIK of the inmates and with this PKS, the synergy will increase," he explained.

This synergy is especially in the context of population administration services for inmates, both by system and with the 'pick up the ball' system in the form of ID cards recording services held at Sampit Prison.