Leak The Contents Of The Meeting With Jokowi, Surya Paloh: Not Independent Open Election Systems Or Closed
JAKARTA - The General Chairperson (Ketum) of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, admitted that there was no discussion about the 2024 election system when he met President Joko Widodo at the Jakarta Palace on January 26. Surya said that the meeting with the head of state lasted for 1 hour 20 minutes. However, it did not mention the discourse of changing the system in the election at all. "Considering that it has been a long time waiting for the entry of President Jokowi's meeting, I did not waste the available time and opportunity, even though I did not mention the issue of this open and closed proportional system, because I know the government's attitude is clear," said Surya Paloh during a press conference at the DPP office of the Democratic Party, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, February 22.
Surya admitted that he did not want to waste time asking about the discourse on the electoral system being sued at the Constitutional Court (MK). Because according to him, the government's attitude clearly leaves it entirely to the general chairmen of political parties (political parties).
"If it is closed, maybe I ask, it turns out to be open, it's a shame if I ask," he added. It is known that eight of the nine political parties in the DPR chose to keep the 2024 electoral system implementing an open proportional system so that the people can directly choose legislative candidates without going through party intermediaries.
The eight parties, namely PAN, Democratic Party, Gerindra Party, Golkar Party, PKS, PKB, NasDem Party, and PPP.
Previously, President Jokowi emphasized that he had no business related to the 2024 election system, whether to use open or closed proportional. According to Jokowi, this is in the territory of political parties participating in the election.
This statement was made by Jokowi after attending the 50th Anniversary of the United Development Party (PPP) at ICE BSD City, Tangerang, Friday, February 17. Jokowi explained that the two electoral systems have advantages, and their weaknesses. He also dismissed the issue which stated that he gave directions to support the implementation of a closed proportional system in the implementation of the 2024 General Election. "No. The government, I need to convey, if you look open, there are advantages, there are weaknesses. Closed there are advantages, there are weaknesses. Please choose. That's party business," said Jokowi.
Jokowi reiterated that he was not the party chairman. Therefore, he also has no interest in directing what system should be used during the democratic party.
"Nothing, nothing, nothing. I'm not the party chairman," he concluded.