Sri Mulyani: SOEs Interim Dividend of IDR 4.6 Trillion Can Support January 2023 PNBP

JAKARTA - The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, said that the payment of an interim dividend for State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) of IDR 4.6 trillion supported an increase in Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) in January.

Last month, PNBP jumped 103 per cent compared to the same period last year (year-on-year/YoY) to IDR 45.9 trillion or 10.4 per cent of the target in the State Budget.

"The payment of interim dividends makes the component of the separated state asset income (KND) in non-tax revenues increase quite high to IDR 4.6 trillion because in January in previous years, there was no payment of dividends", said Sri Mulyani at the KITA State Budget press conference in February 2023, quoted from Antara, Wednesday 22 February.

Thus, the composition of PNBP contributors has slightly changed from previously only being dominated by income from natural resources (SDA).

In addition to KND's revenue which has reached 9.4 per cent of the State Budget target, he said the realization of PNBP also mainly came from other PNBP and natural resource revenues. Other PNBP realization was recorded at IDR 14.4 trillion or 12.7 per cent of the State Budget target, which mainly came from revenue from ministries/agencies providing public services.

Then, natural resource revenues include oil and gas natural resources worth IDR 11.6 trillion or 8.9 per cent of the State Budget target and non-oil and gas natural resources IDR 14.8 trillion or 22.9 per cent of the State Budget target.

The realization of oil and gas natural resource revenues was supported by an increase in the exchange rate, even though the price of Indonesian crude oil, aka the Indonesian Crude Oil Price (ICP) and lifting, has decreased. While the realization of non-oil and gas natural resource revenues comes from the high price of coal and the enactment of Government Regulation Number 26 of 2022.

Although not significant, Sri Mulyani revealed that the realization of PNBP also came from Public Service Agency (BLU) revenue of IDR 400 billion or 0.5 per cent of the State Budget target, which was collected from BLU State University (PTN) education service revenue and BLU Hospitals.

With all of these realizations, the PNBP achievement illustrates that community activities have started to recover because PNBP from dividends has begun to increase and PNBP from natural resources is still relatively stable despite the decline in oil.

"This illustrates a dynamic condition that we must continue to monitor from the positive side as well as possible risks from revenues", said the State Treasurer.