Requirements For Currency Damage In Banks, Applications For Exchange Can Be Made Online

YOGYAKARTA - Damaged or disabled money can actually be exchanged for new money. This is enforced by Bank Indonesia (BI). Unfortunately, there are still many people who don't know about this. So what are the conditions for exchanging damaged money in a bank?

Reporting from the official website, damaged or disabled money is rupiah money whose physical or size has changed or is different from its original shape. Money can be damaged by several factors, such as torn, holed, eaten by burning termites, and so on.

Usually when you have damaged money, many people won't use it anymore and throw it away. Even though it's better if the money is exchanged for new money at the bank. Then how do you exchange damaged money at the bank?

Both banknotes and coins can be exchanged if there are still signs of authenticity. In addition, there are a number of requirements that must be met to be able to exchange or replace damaged money with new money at the bank.

Replacement of damaged or disabled money will be given the same value as the nominal. The following are the requirements to replace new money in the bank reported by the page:

The conditions for replacing money damaged by burning have differences over the conditions for exchanging money above previously. Here are the requirements that must be met.

The application for exchange of damaged money at BI can be done online through services on the page. Here's how to exchange damaged money in BI:

1. Open the page. Select the Decreased/Disabled Money/Disabled' menu on the main page.

2. You need to choose the province where the rupiah currency is exchanged is damaged / disabled.

3. Select the location of the Bank Indonesia Office to exchange rupiah currency damaged / disabled.

4. Select the desired exchange date according to the availability of the exchange date.

5. Filling in the order data includes: ID card NIK, name, phone number, email, amount of money exchanged, category of money type to be exchanged.

Exchange of damaged/fired money can be done by visiting the head office of Bank Indonesia and the Bank Indonesia Interior Representative Office spread across various cities. Exchange can be done on weekdays, which is 08.00-11.30 local time.

You can choose a broken money exchange schedule in BI, here are the options:

That's information regarding the condition of exchanging damaged money at Bank Indonesia. It should be noted that BI does not provide replacement for damaged money if according to BI the damage is allegedly done intentionally. BI also did not provide replacement for money that was destroyed or lost for any reason.

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