Social Minister Risma Ensures That The Program For The Poor And Marginal Groups Is Landed By The Spirit Of Social Justice

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) ensures that various programs and policies are based on the spirit and values of social justice.

Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini said, basically the duties and functions of the Ministry of Social Affairs are to promote and strengthen the spirit of social justice through various programs that favor the poor and vulnerable groups.

In accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, the Ministry of Social Affairs is working to ensure that poor and marginalized groups are more prosperous. The Ministry of Social Affairs is mandated to ensure they get rights, equality of position and role with the nation's other children," said Social Minister Risma in a statement, Tuesday, February 21, quoted by Antara.

In commemoration of Social Justice Day, on Monday, February 20, Social Minister Risma said the Ministry of Social Affairs was responsible for the government's priority program to accelerate the handling of poverty.

The handling of poverty is carried out by distributing regular social assistance such as the Family Hope Program (PKH) which reaches 10 million beneficiaries and the Basic Food Program which reaches 18.8 million beneficiaries.

Beneficiaries are poor groups registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS). This is the government's effort to improve the welfare of our brothers and sisters for the sake of prosperity. PKH emphasizes how to improve the quality of poor families. The basic food program is to increase food and nutrition adequacy," he said.

If the PKH social assistance and the Basic Food Program are oriented towards reducing the expenditure of beneficiaries, the Ministry of Social Affairs will also develop programs that increase the income of poor groups. The Minister of Social Affairs also provides skills and work access to marginalized groups such as scavengers, homeless people, beggars and persons with disabilities.

They are also given psychological social guidance, vocational training and entrepreneurship coaching. They are taught raising livestock, cafes, laundry businesses, and grocery stores, he said.

The Minister of Social Affairs also strengthens the economic independence of the underprivileged family through the Nusantara Economic Hero (PENA) program and an integrated prosperous home. PENA encourages PKH recipients to develop their business and is no longer dependent on social assistance. An integrated prosperous house by renovating the house and providing business assistance.

The Ministry of Social Affairs also ensures equality of rights to persons with disabilities according to their needs and various disabilities. The goal is to help the independence of persons with disabilities carry out their daily activities.

"As a form of basic need for persons with disabilities, it is also a tool of independence to carry out activities and participate in various tasks and roles in everyday life," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

Fulfillment of the aspect of justice is also realized by state services that reach the leading, remote and lagging regions (3T). To accelerate and improve the welfare of the 3T region in line with our compatriots in other regions, the Ministry of Social Affairs strengthens services in the Remote Indigenous Community (KAT) program.

KAT residents must be recorded on population data so that they can be intervened with assistance. For this reason, we recorded and facilitated the ownership of ID cards and families. The Ministry of Social Affairs has also established a community center, which supports the fulfillment of learning needs," he said.

There are still many Ministry of Social programs that are closely related to being based on the principles of social justice. In line with its main duties and functions, the Ministry of Social Affairs will continue to fulfill the rights and protection of poor and vulnerable groups.