The Bandarlampung City Government Has Set Up 1,034 Uninhabitable Houses To Be SerVEd Centrally

The Bandarlampung City Government (Pemkot) proposed as many as 1,034 housing units for uninhabitable residents to obtain a house renovation program to the Central Government. "We have submitted 1,034 housing units spread across 20 sub-districts to the Ministry of PUPR to obtain a house renovation program last January," said the Acting Head of the Housing and Settlement Service of Bandarlampung City, Yusnadi Ferianto, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 21. He said that all of the proposed houses have been verified and validated by the city government, and all of them deserve to be offered to get house renovation assistance from the Ministry of PUPR.," he said. Yusnadi also revealed that in this house renovation program, the determination of who got and the work and monitoring was carried out by the Ministry of PUPR. "So we (the city government) only submitted and accompanied the activities. It is common for the data on how many houses can have the house renovation program in May and its work in June," he said.

In addition, he also revealed, the Bandarlampung City Government received 24 housing surgery assistance from Lampung Province. "We also received 24 housing surgery from the province and have been verified by the Lampung Provincial Government. The only job is left depending on the province," he said.