Longsoran Tragedy Leuwigajah 18 Years Of Silam Becomes The Day Of National Waste Care

JAKARTA - National Waste Care Day (HPSN) which is celebrated every February 21 is a reminder of the public about the tragedy of the garbage avalanche at TPA Leuwigajah, Cimahi. The tragedy swept away residential areas 18 years ago.

Acting Head of the Central Jakarta Environmental Agency (Sudin LH), Edy Mulyanto, said the incident not only killed hundreds of lives, but killed two villages or villages due to piles of garbage.

"We are always reminded that National Waste Care Day every February 21 is to continue to manage waste, especially since Jakarta has the most waste from all cities in Indonesia," said Edy when confirmed in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 21, as reported by Antara.

Edy explained that the waste produced by Jakarta residents every day reaches 7,500 tons. Among the five cities, Central Jakarta is the city with the least waste production, which is 884 tons per day.

Of the 7,500 tons of waste, the organic waste most produced by the community is 55-60 percent.

Organic waste is divided into two, namely wet and dry. Wet organic waste contains water, such as food remains, such as vegetables and fruits, the like, while dry organics are in the form of wood, tree branches, and dry leaves.

The government hopes that people can sort their household waste themselves. After sorting it out, they can take them to waste management places, one of which is TPS 3R Ketapang which is on Jalan KH. Zainul Arifin, Duri Pulo Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta.

In this place, people not only get education sorting waste, but can also process organic waste whose value can reach millions. Organic waste at the Ketapang 3R TPS can be processed through a conversion bio using the maggot fly larvae "Black Soldier Fly" (BSF).

"Inorganic waste, such as plastic packaging, if recycled per kilo, ranges from Rp. 2,500 to Rp. 4,000 per kg, but if it is organic waste that is BSF maggot, the total value can be Rp. 50 thousand," said Edy.