17 Residents Are Still Being Treated At Ternate Hospital After Alleged Toxics Of Their Neighbors' Ultah Events

A total of 17 residents were suspected of having food poisoning at their neighbor's birthday (ultah) in one of the sub-districts in West Ternate District, North Maluku (Malut).

Head of the Sub Division of Law and Public Relations of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Dr. Chasan Boesoirie Ternate, Susi Tjeng, said that dozens of residents suspected of being poisoned were being treated by his party after being referred.

"There are 17 referred to the Chasan Boesoirie Hospital, four adults and 13 children, while one has been outpatient, so there are 16 left here," he said in Ternate, North Maluku, Monday, February 20, as reported by Antara.

He explained that the complaints of patients suspected of being poisoned included nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

He revealed the food they ate during a celebration in the form of yellow rice, mihun, and tempeh.

"Now it's getting a little better, but there are still complaints of diarrhea, while being treated until recovering, just returning to their respective homes," he said.

On Sunday 19 February, dozens of Ternate City residents were hospitalized for treatment. They are suspected of having been poisoned after eating food provided in the form of boxed rice while attending a birthday celebration of one of the residents.

Ternate Island Police Chief Ipda Ni Made Chandra Dewi when confirmed confirmed the incident in Tobololo Village, West Ternate District on Saturday, February 18.

After learning this information, Ternate Island Police personnel were dispatched to evacuate the victims to the hospital.

"Together with Bhabinkamtibmas, we immediately went down to the crime scene to help the victim to be referred to several hospitals," he said.