1 Employee Of The Ministry Of Maritime Affairs And Fisheries Becomes A New Suspect In The Case Of Formation Of Fisheries Permits In Pantura

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) revealed that the suspect in the case of falsifying the document for the fishing permit (SIPI) on the North Coast (Pantura) of Java was two people. The suspect who has just been named is a KKP employee with the initials SN.

"Based on sufficient preliminary evidence, we have determined the suspect SN since Tuesday (February 14)," said KKP Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) Admiral TNI Adin Nurawaluddin in a written statement, Monday, February 20, confiscated by Antara.

Adin explained that it was SN who was the mastermind behind this case that his role was revealed based on T's confession, the first suspect who had been handed over to the prosecutor.

T admitted to investigators that SN was the perpetrator who had been telling him to fake and sell fake licensing documents to fishery ship owners.

"And investigators were arrested on Thursday (February 16)," said Adin.

Regarding the process of examining the suspect SN, investigators have searched two houses, one cafe, and one car belonging to suspect SN.

Adin explained that apart from detaining the suspect, the KKP Code of Ethics Council team also processed the provision of severe disciplinary punishment with the threat of being dismissed from his position as a Civil Servant (PNS).