Comedian Ogud Tomtam The Son Of The Late Jimmy Gideon Dies

TANGERANG - Senior comedian from comedy group Tom Tam Group H. Rosihan Anwar or known as the Ogud Tomtam stage passed away on Sunday 19 February at 09.45 WIB.

This sad news was confirmed via a short message sent by senior comedian Nurul Qomar.

"The body will be buried at the Bojong Nangka TPU, Tangerang," wrote Qomar in his short message, Sunday, February 19, quoted by Antara.

Ogud Tomtam, who is the older brother of the late comedian Jimmy Gideon, became known to the Indonesian people and reached the peak of his popularity in the 1980s to 1990s.

Tomtam Groups consist of Ogud, Kimung, Firman, and Qomar. But currently the legendary comedy group only leaves Qomar.

Comedian Kimung passed away in 2016, while his colleague Firman TomTam passed away on September 11, 2019.

"Hopefully (the deceased) will be placed in a noble maqam and live in the Heaven of Allah SWT. The bereaved family will be given strength, patience and sincerity in accepting the grief of the family," said Qomar.