Can Sogok-Mengok Practices In Indonesian Football Go Missing In The Erick Thohir Era? This Is What Kyai NU Said

JAKARTA - The Nahdlatul Ulama clerics welcomed the election of SOE Minister Erick Thohir as PSSI General Chair for the 2023-2027 period.

One of them was revealed by the Head of the East Java NU Regional Leadership (PWNU) Kyai Marzuki Mustamar in Surabaya, Friday 17 February.

Kyai Marzuki said, there are at least three reasons that make Erick Thohir very suitable to sit as PSSI's supreme leader.

First, PSSI must be led by people who have financial strength. This is important so that national football funding will not rely on gambling methods, which are forbidden.

The general chairman's financial strength is also important in order to suppress the practice of soGOks in the PSSI environment.

"PSSI needs a strong chairman in terms of funding, so that when it comes to funding, PSSI no longer relies on sources such as Porkas, which are haram. Then bribes," he said.

Second, said Kyai Marzuki, the general chairman of PSSI must have very strong political support. Because, a supreme leader in PSSI cannot make his own decisions.

"If his political support is not strong, then he will be swayed by the mafias," he added.

The third reason Kyai Marzuki is that he must have international experience as well. Because we don't want to be like the frog in the ocean. Great in Indonesia, but blind outside.

"I think he (Erick Thohir) already had a strong experience when he bought his shares of several clubs in Europe, in Italy. That gave rise to great hope," he said.

Involve Ulama

Kyai Marzuki added that in the future, he wants ulama or kyai to be involved in efforts to advance Indonesian football.

"We want to guide the players' prayers. When there is the construction of the venue, Kyai wants to be invited to explain what the Musala looks like. If the venue is like this, then the Musala is like this. The place of ablution is like this," said Kyai Marzuki.

He hopes that the NU kyai will be given the opportunity to speak in a joint effort to strengthen football.

Kyai Marzuki also asked the PSSI management not to forget that in the Pesantren there were many extraordinary football talents.

"Don't ignore pesantren. I don't know what the system will be like. In NU there is a League Pesantren. The champions will also become a nursery," he said.