Bantul Regency Claims Number Stunting Cases Then Down

BANTUL - The Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning (DP3APPKB) Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region noted that the stunting toddler rate in the area in the last two years has decreased by two percent.

"Indeed, based on 2022 data, the stunting rate in Bantul has decreased, both through survey measurements and direct measurements of all toddlers in Posyandu," said Head of DP3APPKB Bantul Ninik Istitarini as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 17.

He said the stunting toddler rate based on the results of measurements at Posyandu-posyandu in 2021 was 8.36 percent, while in 2022 the stunting rate was 6.42 percent.

"We have decreased by almost two percent, if the number of toddlers stunted in 2021, a total of 3,996 toddlers, while in 2022 it will be 3,001 toddlers. So it means that someone has recovered, also graduated. Graduated because he is more than five years old," he said.

Despite experiencing a decrease in stunting toddlers, he said, various efforts to prevent stunting toddlers continue to be carried out, one of which is by always monitoring the condition of newborns, considering that in the future the birth rate of babies will continue to occur.

"Our efforts have also prevented us from starting as early as possible, so we have prepared teenagers, teenagers are in junior high school, at least we give them blood-added tablets, especially young girls, to prepare when they are pregnant and have children," he said.

When the bride or three months before getting married, he said, now they have to register via electronic information system for pregnant women, the application will contain data for the bride and groom.

"Especially the focus of what kind of health status, later in the application it will be seen, for example, height, weight, arm circumference, HB and so on. If conditions are not good, we will immediately intervene or therapy them," he said.

He said the stunting toddler rate, which is still 3,001 children in 2022, was sought to intervene early for them to fulfill nutrition, so it is hoped that the number will continue to decrease, so that no toddlers are categorized as stunting.

"Even if there are stunting ones, because there are special reasons, for example, having congenital diseases that may be difficult to grow and so on, but in terms of programs we have been more preventive, from the start we made various efforts," he said.