Cheap Meriah! This Is A Recipe Camilan From Tepung Teragung

YOGYAKARTA The food from wheat flour is widely liked because it is not only delicious and easy to make, but also cheap and economical. The reason is, snacks made of flour only need ingredients that are relatively easy to find and can be created to various kinds of foods.

Processing wheat flour into snacks can be done in various ways, starting from steaming, frying, divent, and so on. Here are some snack recipes from flour that can be made and served to the family.

Sotong goreng is one of the cheap snacks that is sold by street vendors. Usually this snack sells cheaply at a price of Rp500. No need to buy, you can make this menu yourself at home. Here's the recipe.

How to make cuts

Cooking tempe snacks are very familiar to the public's ears. This dish is not only used as a snack but as side dishes. How to make flour fried tempeh is very easy and the ingredients are cheap. The following is a recipe for making fried fried tempeh.

How to make fried tempeh

For those of you who want to make snacks from flour with a sweet taste, makeup cake dishes can be an option. How to make dareps is very easy and doesn't need a lot of ingredients. Here's a sweet crepes cake recipe.

How to make sweet darepes

Those are some snack recipes from wheat flour. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.