Bharada E's Parents Yakin His Son Was Not Traumad Shooting Brigadier J
JAKARTA - Richardgan's parents alias Bharada E revealed that their son was not traumatized even though he had been the executor of the shooting of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat. Because according to him, when the incident occurred, his son only carried out his duties as a member.
"If you look at Icad, it seems like he remains strong because he thinks what he is doing is not his own desire, because he is carrying out orders. So he remains strong," said Rynecke Alma Pudihang as Bharada E's mother to VOI at her home in Ciputat area, South Tangerang, Wednesday, February 13.
Rynecke believes his son loves the police institution very much. Therefore, he believes that his son is not passionate and still wants to have a career in the police force.
Engga (trauma-ed), (karena) Icad itu memang cinta polisi. Dia memang cinta polisi karena dari awalnya inginya itu dia berjuang matar-matian hingga tiga kali empat kali. Tiga kali di kepolisian, dia turut tes. Ketiga dia lolos. Jadi nggak mungkin dia nggak cinta, urainya.
The National Police Headquarters has not confirmed when the time for the ethics trial to be conducted against Richard total (Bharada E) after being sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J).
Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that Bharada E had not yet undergone an ethics trial for the criminal case that ensnared him.
Related to this, Dedi has not announced when the ethics trial will be, because he is waiting from the Police's Professional and Security Division (Divpropam) as the executor of the trial.
"The (ethnic trial) will wait for information from Propam first," said Dedi