Dendam Anak Bandar Narkoba Belitung Anggota Polri Karena Ayahnya Ditangkap Polisi

The stabbing case of a member of the Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satresnarkoba) of the North Jakarta Metro Police is evidence of drug problems such as bloody blood. North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner (Kombes) Gidion Arif Setyawan explained that the victim, AKP P Siahaan, was injured in the back due to a sharp sword (katana). The culprit, a boy with the initials R, is still 16 years old.

R was successfully secured by the police for his actions. From the results of the examination, R admitted that he was annoyed with the police because his father was arrested during a drug raid in the Koja area, North Jakarta, Thursday, February 9. That's why R stabbed AKP Siahaan.

At the time of holding the case at the North Jakarta Police, Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan reprimanded R's father, D, for allowing his son to persecute the police who tried to arrest him in Koja.

"If you are damaged (because of drugs), don't let your child also be damaged. As a father, your job is to make your child a better person," Gidion told suspect D at the North Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday, February 15.

R has now been secured at the North Jakarta Police and will undergo further proceedings with applicable regulations, especially for children who are in conflict with the law.

According to Gidion, the decision concerns compliance with Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System (UU SPPA).

Because of this act, R, who is still a minor, is threatened with criminal sanctions for trying to commit a crime as regulated in Article 53 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code, then his crime was in the form of persecution which resulted in serious injuries (Article 351 of the Criminal Code).

"But once again, we also prioritize the philosophy of law enforcement against children in conflict with the law (in the SPPA Law)," concluded Gidion.