List 5 Of The Largest Pencak Silat Colleges In Indonesia That Have Many Branches

YOGYAKARTA Penca kilat is a traditional martial art that comes from all over the country. This self-defense is passed down from generation to generation and has become one of the traditions that should be preserved. Until now, there are many of the largest predicting universities in Indonesia that are still sustainable and continue to be taught.

The role of pencak silat today is not just martial arts, but is one of the sports recognized by the Government of Indonesia. In fact, pencak silat has begun to be recognized by the world because of the role of its activists in international competitions.

Pencak silat athletes who excel in the world are born from major institutions in the archipelago. Here are some large pencak silat universities that are familiar to the public.

The Setia Hati Terate Brotherhood or PSHT is a mistake or a pencak silat college which is attended by many people in Indonesia, especially in East Java. PSHT was born in 1922 and was formed by Ki Hadjar Hardjo Oetomo.

This college is also one of the universities that co-founded the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) on May 15, 1948. This university branch is not only in Indonesia, but abroad such as Russia, Timor Leste, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, and many more.

Kelatnas Indonesia Perisai Diri is an organization as well as a pencak silat college founded by RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo. This college is one of the oldest because it was founded on July 2, 1955 in Surabaya, East Java.

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This college martial arts technique combines the flow of silat from various regions in Indonesia with the functorial flow (Siauw Liem) originating from China. This college emphasizes effective and efficient techniques to paralyze opponents either with or without weapons.

Supak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah is not only one of the largest universities in Indonesia, but is one of the oldest universities in the archipelago. The Holy Tax was founded on July 31, 1963 in Kauman, Yogyakarta. The holy tax stands under the auspices of the Muhammadiyah Association, a religious organization that helped the struggle for Indonesian independence.

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In his teaching, the Holy Tapak college emphasizes the scarcity of moves or can be said to have a full body contact character. This is one of the bargaining power for modern society to date, both in Indonesia and internationally.

This pencak silat college is often abbreviated under the name IKSPI Kera Sakti. Formed on January 15, 1980 in Madiun, East Java. IKSPI is one of the largest and oldest silat colleges.

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One of the attractions of this college is to combine the archipelago's silat with Chinese martial arts. In addition, IKSPI also emphasizes the spirituality of its participants.

Pagar Nusa is a pencak silat college developed by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) residents. This college is one of the largest because many NU residents study this martial arts. Not only the largest, Pagar Nusa which is part of the Nahdlatul Ulama Pencak Silat Association (IPS-NU) is one of the oldest in the archipelago because it was founded on January 3, 1986 in Kediri, East Java.

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NU itself is closely related to the struggle of the Indonesian people in fighting for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Now Pagar Nusa is not only studied in Indonesia, but in several other countries such as Azerbaijan, Austria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, and even Switzerland.

That is information related to the largest pencak silat college in Indonesia. For other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.