List Of 3 Judges Who Sentenced Dead Ferdy Sambo And Short Trace Record

The three judges who sentenced Ferdy Sambo to death became the talk of the public on social media. The three of them are considered brave and capable of carrying out their duties professionally. In addition, the three judges at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) have also shown firmness to the suspect in the murder case of police member Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

The three judges who had chaired the trial of the Sambo case from the start were Wahyu Iman Santoso as Chairman of the Panel of Judges, and the other two were Morgan Simanjuntak, and Alimin Ribut Sujono as Members of the Assembly. The following is a brief profile of the three judges.

Wahyu Iman Santoso is one of Ferdy Sambo's judges. During the trial, he read out Ferdy Sambo's verdict which was sentenced to death. Wahyu Iman was born on February 17, 1976. He is the Deputy Chairman of the South Jakarta District Court, replacing Lilik Prisbawono.

On the official website of the South Jakarta District Court, it is stated that Wahyu Iman Santoso is the first court judge. His career as a judge began in 2008. At that time he was a Judge at the Tanjung Balai Karimun District Court.

One of the track records that had received attention was when he handled a pretrial lawsuit filed by Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng. At that time Wahyu had served as a judge at the South Jakarta District Court.

Eltinus Omaleng himself sued the KPK who named himself a suspect in the alleged corruption case in the construction of the Kingmi Mile 32 Church in Mimika, Papua.

In the case of Ferdy Sambo, Morgan Simanjut is a Member of the Panel of Judges. The man who was born on September 22, 1962, is part of the South Jakarta District Court with the Madya Main Trustees (IV/d) group. Morgan Simanjut is also not a new person. He has handled various cases at the Tanjung Pinang District Court, Medan District Court, and finally moved to the South Jakarta District Court.

Morgan Simanjuntak's track record is also quite interesting. In August 2017 he sentenced drug dealer M Rizal alias Hasan to the Medan District Court. M Rizal at that time was found to have 85 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 50 pills of ecstasy.

Morgan Simanjuntak also became the sole judge of the South Jakarta District Court when handling the Djoko Tjandra case in 2021. At that time he rejected the pretrial submitted by MAKI to the KPK regarding the figure of King Maker.

Alimin Ribut Sujono became a Member of the Panel of Judges when he tried Ferdy Sambo who was tried at the South Jakarta District Court. Alimin served in the South Jakarta District Court with the rank of Main Madya Trustees (IV/d). Previously, he had served in the Bantul District Court as chairman and had also served at the Lubuklinggau District Court with the same position.

Salah satu rekam jejak Alimin Ribut Sujono yang menarik selama menjadi hakim adalah saat ia bertugas di PN Bantul. Kala itu ia menangani persiba Bantul dana hibah. Kala itu Alimin menolak gugatan Bupati Bantul, Idham Samawi, kepada Pemkab Bantul atas pengembalian dana hibah Persiba Bantul dengan nilai Rp11,6 miliar yang kini masuk menjadi kas Pemkab Bantul.

The man who was born on November 29, 1967, was also highlighted when he was the sole judge at the South Jakarta District Court who granted the request submitted by a candidate for a marriage couple of different religions.

That's information regarding judges whose death sentence is Ferdy Sambo. For other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.