The Arrest Of 3 Motor Thieves In Bengkulu Sibak, Coffee Gardens, Planted With Cannabis Ready To Harvest 1.5 Hectares

BENGKULU - Central Bengkulu Police confiscated 32 cannabis stalks as high as 2.5 meters ready to harvest on an area of 1.5 hectares in Tebat Karai District, Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu.
"And arrested three suspects who are residents of Kepahiang Regency," said Central Bengkulu Police Chief AKBP Dedi Wahyudi at the Central Bengkulu Police Headquarters, Monday, February 13, confiscated by Antara.
The three suspects are EE (32), HH (32) and HP (35). The three were arrested in connection with the motorcycle theft case in Kembang Sari Village, Talang Empat District, Central Bengkulu Regency, on February 12, 2023. When the Central Bengkulu Police Satreskrim Opsnal team arrested the three suspects, one of them threw away a pack of cigarettes containing dried marijuana leaves., Tebat Karai District, Kepahiang Regency, it was found that 32 cannabis-type plants were ready to harvest 32 sticks.
Currently, his party is still conducting a deeper investigation regarding how long the three were circulating the marijuana-type narcotics. For the sale of marijuana-type narcotics by the three suspects, it is still under investigation, but there is a possibility of being sold outside the Central Bengkulu Regency area, considering the large amount of evidence that has been confiscated by the police. "The three suspects are not recidivist, but we are still investigating and do not rule out the possibility of other land being used by the suspect," said Dedi. For example, the suspect is threatened with Article 111 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning the threat of a minimum sentence of five years in prison and a maximum of 20 years in prison.