The Issue Of Child Kidnapping, Batam City Government Asks Schools To Increase Vigilance

BATAM - Batam City Government appeals to all public and private schools to increase awareness regarding the issue of child kidnapping which is currently crowded in the mass media. "We appeal to all teaching staff to increase awareness of student kidnapping attempts, by ensuring the whereabouts of children while in school, and going home to school," said Head of the Hendri Arrilan City Education Office from a statement quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 13. The appeal was submitted through a circular letter from the Batam City Education Office number 400. regarding the widespread issue of child kidnapping. He asked each school to maximize school security through school security officers and the teacher assembly. "In addition, parents or guardians of students can either carry out their own pick-up or through other people who are already known and have a good sense of responsibility. He also asked teachers to reduce playing time or hawking outside the classroom or school environment during a break that is far from teacher monitoring. "We also ask teachers to provide education to students and guardians not to contact other people who are not recognized, "he said. In addition, his party also asked to provide education and understanding to students and guardians to wisely use communication tools such as smartphones. As well as being able to choose and sort out the correct news and fake news (hoaxes), "We appeal to all teaching staff to increase their vigilance to the efforts to kidnap students' actions, by ensuring the whereabouts of children at school, and going home from school, "said the Head of the City Education Office Hendri Arulan