Magelang City Police Will Have A New Office Worth IDR 23 Billion

The CITY OF MAGELANG - Magelang City Police will have a new office in the form of a three-story building covering an area of 3600 m2. The new building was built right behind the old office building. The laying of the first stone for construction was carried out by the Assistant Logistics (Aslog) of the National Police Chief, Inspector General R Prabowo Argo Yuwono, Friday 10 February.

Also attending the event were members of Commission III DPR RI Eva Yuliana, Deputy Head of Central Java Police Brigadier General Abioso Senoaji, head of API Ponpes KH Yusuf Chudlori, a number of Central Java Regional Police officials and Magelang City Forkompinda.

It is known that the development budget is budgeted from the Dipa Polri funds worth IDR 23 billion. According to the plan to carry out the project, it will last for 180 days from April 16 to October 13, 2023.

Inspector General Argo Yuwono in his remarks explained that the construction of the Magelang City Police office coincided with the construction of other facilities belonging to the National Police in Indonesia, including a number of hospitals. Construction of new facilities is carried out so that the National Police can improve the quality of services to the community, including improving health services for members.

"The building of the Magelang City Police will be in the form of a manly three-story building. This will later become pride for members of the National Police and the Magelang community," Argo said in a written statement received, Friday, February 10.

He also asked the old Polres building to be preserved and beautified, because it is a cultural asset that is part of the history of the City of Magelang.

Meanwhile, Deputy Police Chief Brigadier General Abioso said that the construction of the Magelang City Police office must be carried out in an orderly manner and comply with applicable regulations. The National Police Headquarters will take action if irregularities or abuse of office are found related to this project.

"The Commitment Making Officer must not play games. There is supervision, including from the National Police Headquarters. If there is a violation, the Headquarters has the authority to take action," he said.

He also said that all members of the Magelang City Police should be inspired by the construction of their offices. It is hoped that the motivation and performance of the members will increase so that services to the community will be better

"Hopefully it inspires all members to foster new enthusiasm and motivation in making a positive contribution to the people of Magelang City," he added