The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Concerning The Asset Confiscation Bill: Corruption Perpetrators Are Not Only Prisoned But Their Wealth Implemented Effectively

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the draft Asset Confiscation Law (RUU) could create a deterrent effect for perpetrators of corruption. Thus, they asked the legislative members to immediately ratify it into law.

"If we look at the material from the draft law, it is very good as a support for law enforcement," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Friday, February 10.

This deterrent effect arises because the perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption are not only imprisoned but also impoverished. Because, Ali said, the assets they get from corrupt practices will be confiscated for the state.

"Strengthening its assets can be done more effectively," he said.

The effectiveness of this confiscation occurred because they did not have to wait long. "Right now, the KPK is doing (absorption of assets, ed) through the court's decision, through replacement money, fines, through the confiscation of criminal assets carried out by asset tracing," Ali explained.

"In the future, if the law is passed, I think this will strongly support efforts to eradicate corruption as a deterrent effect," he continued.

The KPK hopes that this draft law is expected to be a priority for legislators. Moreover, the study has been carried out since 2012.

In addition, Ali also mentioned that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had actually asked that this law be ratified immediately by members of the council. "On World Anti-Corruption Day at the KPK (President Jokowi, ed) also encouraged him to enter the priority national legislation program in the DPR," he said.

"Yes, hopefully (Asset Confiscation Bill, ed) can then be included in the priority program so that it can be ratified later," said Ali.

As previously reported, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) again pushed for the Asset Confiscation Bill to be ratified immediately. This statement was made on Tuesday, February 7. "I encourage the Criminal Asset Confiscation Bill to be promulgated immediately and the Bill on Bordering Cartal Money Transactions to immediately begin discussions," Jokowi said as reported by Antara. This draft law is known to have not been discussed in the DPR RI for 10 years even though it was proposed since 2012. In fact, this legislation is important because Indonesia has submitted ratified instruments on the United Nation Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organizational Crimes (UNCTOC) several years ago as a reference for the formation of the Asset Confiscation Bill.