Identify Types Of Cyber Threats And How They Work

YOGYAKARTA - The development of digital technology has brought many innovations and benefits to life. But behind that, there are new challenges, namely cyber crime. Types of cyber threats are also diverse and need to be watched out for by every digital technology user.

Cybercrime cases continue to increase every year. Types of cyber threats that are launched begin to vary. Cyber crime is a serious type of crime because it can harm victims, in terms of material and morals. Cyber crime actors seek to carry out various illegal activities through the internet network, ranging from data breaches to the spread of false information.

Cyber threats can come from various parties, such as hackers, corporate espionage, terrorist groups, criminal organizations, to individuals. The recent cyber crime cases are data breaches to gain access to victims' financial accounts.

Given that the impact is quite large, everyone needs to be vigilant and careful in using digital technology. There are several types of cyber threats that need to be known.

The most common cyber threats are hacking, data theft, and data destruction illegally. The victims can be anyone, whether individual, group, government agency, or state. This is the type of cyber threat that needs to be watched out for.

Malware attacks are the most common cyber security threats at this time. Malware is malicious software or software. Malware is a program specifically designed by cyber crime actors to damage your device, server, or network.

Ransomware is one of the most dangerous types of malware attacks. Ransomware is a software that can hack into your data. This software can also damage and paralyze all victims' devices, so that victims can access and use it.

Apart from ransomware, one of the most dangerous forms of malware attacks is emotets. The Cyber security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) describes the emotet as a further form of modular banking Trojans working as downloaders for other banking trojans.

Phishing is a form of cyber crime that has been rampant since recently. Phishing is a form of online fraud to trap victims leaking important data or sensitive information. Objects that are usually targeted for phishing, namely mobile banking account data, email data, credit card details, chat messages, and so on.

Spoofing is a cyber crime that is committed by tricking its victims. This type of cyber threat technique uses phone calls. Spoofing is done by calling the victim and claiming to be someone asking for help.

Spoofing cases have been happening for a long time in Indonesia, but they still exist today. Spoofing actors disguise themselves as people known by their victims for the purpose of committing criminal acts, for example the mode of asking for money assistance. Perpetrators can also target networks and servers by using fake identities.

The MITM cyber crime is run when hackers make transactions between two parties. This cyber threat can occur when gadget users are connected to the internet via a public WiFi network. The reason is, public WiFi usually does not apply security because it can be accessed in general. This condition is very possible for a MITM attack. When successful in disrupting internet traffic, the perpetrator will break into and steal the victim's data.

Injection Structured Query Language (SQL) is a cyber crime that is done by injecting a malicious code into a server using a SQL. If it is infected, the server spreads information that cyber crime actors can misuse.

That's the review of cyber threat types. The increasing use of digital technology, it is unavoidable that cyber crime acts also increase. To avoid cyber threats, everyone needs to be careful in using digital technology and always maintain data security.

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