Regarding The Withdrawal Of The Sirop Praxion Drug, Jayapura Health Office Waits For The BPOM Circular

PAPUA - The Papua Health Service (Dinkes) stated that until now there has been no notification or circular from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) regarding the withdrawal of the prexion sirop drug produced by PT Pharos Indonesia. Head of the Pharmacy Section of the Papua Health Office, Sriyana admitted, until now there has been no notification from the BPOM regarding the withdrawal of the Praxion sirop drug. "If the BPOM states that the drug must be withdrawn from circulation, we are ready to carry it out as it was done during the withdrawal of the drug that BPOM requested some time ago, namely the Uniberi sirop," explained Sriyana in Jayapura, Papua, Wednesday, February 9, was confiscated by Antara. Meanwhile, the Head of the Jayapura City Health Office, dr. Nyoman Antari admitted that there was no information regarding the withdrawal of the prexion sirop. "So far there has been no request for withdrawal of the type of drug, but later we will re-check it," said Nyoman Antari. According to him, so far there has been no not been a notification letter or circular, so that the drug is not problematic and can be used. "However, if later it is withdrawn, it must be withdrawn by distributors who supply the drug," he said.