What Is Gamon: Here's The Explanation And Differences With Ham

YOGYAKARTA - There is a new term of harassment in politics: "gammon". This refers to a middle-aged white man from certain political persuasion. Or if the slang language Gamon is "Gagal Move On". However, this time we will discuss what is a gamon in the culinary world.
Gammon/gammon meat is preserved, salted meat from the pig's rear leg.
During processing, one ton of salt is added to remove moisture. This allows kiosk meat to be preserved, dried safely, and develop a different taste.
Brining is used to moisturize the meat slice rather than dry it.
Gamon is also preserved through the cultivation process.
There are three types of gamon steak based on its processing steps.
A reinforced gamon: It's a reinforced gammon that is absorbed in aton with burning wood flakes. The smoke gives it a tremendous taste and allows it to be used in a variety of dishes.
Rolled gamon: Rolled gammon is a preserved and synthesized pig leg that is orbited and rolled. This one has a classical taste and texture similar to that of the ham. I found that removing the bone makes the carving process more easily arranged.
Smoke-rolled gammon meat: It is boneless rolled gammon meat that has been smoked on a burning piece of wood. In addition to drying and salting, absorption is one way of saving this gammon.
What's the difference between gammon & ham?
"Many people don't really know the difference between the gammon and the ham, or how it was made. Well, to be honest, there aren't much difference, really, once the gammon is cooked, it becomes a ham."
Gammons are sold in supermarkets and by your local butchers raw, and need to be cooked before you can eat them, while the ham is ready to eat immediately, but both are made in very similar ways.
How to Prepare Gamon
On the producer side, gamon meat is processed by means of disinfection either through dry or wet stealing processes.
Dry drizzling uses dry rubs, while stealing is basically sneering / soaking meat in salted solutions.
Before cooking gamon food, I prepared it the day before by soaking it in cold water for 24 hours.
Enter the gammon into a large pot and completely soak in ice water for 24 hours or at least 4 hours if you are short of time. The immersion removes extra salt.
When finished, you can dry out the excess solution, and the gammon is ready to cook.
So after knowing what a gamon is, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!