Illegal Mining In Blora And Pati Is Closed By The Central Java Police, Officers With Perpetrators

SEMARANG Two illegal land mining sites in Blora and Pati were closed by the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Dit Reskrimsus) of the Central Java Police. The closure of the first location was in Sambeng Village, Todanan District, Blora Regency, on January 24. Meanwhile, the second location was in Sumbermulyo Village, Tlogowungu District, Pati Regency which was raided on January 26.

The raid was marked by the action of cats and cats' because of the alleged leak of information.

"When the trip was detected (known), at that time we arrived in Demak, there was a report Sir, turn right, here (the location) there is no activity. These are their cats," said Head of Sub-Directorate IV of Certain Crimes (Tipidter) Dit Reskrimsus Polda Central Java AKBP Robert Sihombing in a written statement, Wednesday, January 8.

After finalizing the strategy, the team then returned to the illegal mining site until it was finally successfully raided. At the Todanan Blora TKP, officers found mining activities using a heavy equipment excavator that was carrying out dredging and retrieval of materials in the form of rueg soil.

The location mining activity does not have a permit from the relevant agency. The person in charge and manager of the mining activity has the initials DSU, a resident of Dukuh Ketri RT008/RW002, Triguno Village, Puncak Wangi District, Pati Regency.

Meanwhile, at the Pati Regency TKP, officers found mining using one yellow PC200 excavator. There is currently dredging and mining of materials in the form of rueg soil.

There also did not have a permit from the relevant agency. The manager has the initials DAS, a resident of Pasucen RT004/RW002, Pasucen Village, Trangkil District, Pati Regency.

We take the excavator battery, because of the old model excavator. Usually what we take the CPU (a modern excavator)," continued Robert Sihombing.

Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol Iqbal Alqudusy, said the case had gone up to the investigation stage.

"We complete the administration of investigations, summons and examination of witnesses and conduct expert examinations from the Central Java Provincial ESDM Office," said Iqbal.

Such illegal practices, said Iqbal, violate Article 158 of Law number 2 of 2020 concerning amendments to Law number 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining (Minerba) as amended into Government Regulation in Lieu of Law number 2 of 2002 concerning Job Creation. This article reads: "Everyone who conducts mining business without an IUP, IUPK as a continuation of contract / agreement operations, SIB, Assignment Permits, Transportation and Sales Permits, IUPJ and IUP shall be sentenced to a maximum of 5 years and a fine of IDR 100 billion.

"Recently, there has been a lot of illegal mining news. This disclosure is one of the answers that the Central Java Police have a serious commitment in dealing with the problem of mineral and coal mining in Central Java," he said.