Baleg Agrees To The Health Bill Ratified To Become A Proposal For The DPR Initiative
JAKARTA - The Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI approved the Health Bill as an initiative of the DPR. Thus, the Health Bill will be ratified as the DPR's initiative bill in the upcoming plenary meeting.
The decision was taken at the Baleg plenary meeting at the Parliament Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 7.
Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia, Achmad Baidowi, stated that of the nine factions, eight factions agreed. Only the PKS faction does not approve of the Health Bill as a draft law to propose the DPR initiative.
"Of the 9 factions who have read out their faction mini views, and 8 have expressed their approval to proceed to the next stage, namely in the plenary session it is a proposal for the DPR initiative with several notes," said Achmad in his statement, Wednesday, February 8.
He said, in the mini-fractional view, it was recorded that seven factions accepted it without a note, one faction, namely NasDem, agreed with the record, and PKS completely refused.
"One faction, namely the PKS faction, expressed their rejection and that is the era of our democracy, we still give the same space to all factions," explained the politician who is familiarly called Awiek.
This PPP politician claimed, during the discussion of the draft Health Bill as a DPR Initiative, it had involved public participation.
"We discuss this draft bill openly, involving public participation and hopefully this will become the work of all of us," he said.
After that, all members of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia in a quorum expressed their agreement with the process of drafting the Health Bill to be the proposal for the initiative of the DPR RI.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the DPR RI Baleg M. Nurdin when reading the report of the Chairman of the Working Committee (Panja) for the Draft Draft Bill on Health said that the bill consisting of 20 Chapters and 478 articles was needed to achieve public health.
The regulation of this bill with the omnibus law method is expected to be able to transform the health sector from upstream to downstream.