DKPP Check North Sulawesi KPU Members Regarding Verification Of Political Parties

The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) has scheduled to examine a number of election organizers, including members of the North Sulawesi KPU (Sulut) related to allegations of fraud in the verification of political parties (political parties) for candidates participating in the 2024 General Election.

Secretary of the DKPP, Yudia Ramli, said that the trial will be held on Wednesday, February 8 at 10 and before tomorrow's trial, today's agenda is to hear the statements of the complainants and defendants as well as witnesses or related parties presented.

"DKPP has properly summoned all parties, namely five days before the examination hearing is held," Yudia explained in his statement, Tuesday, February 7.

He added that this code of ethics trial was open to the public. Yudia also revealed that DKPP will broadcast this trial through the DKPP Facebook account, @medsosdkpp and the DKPP Youtube account.

"So that the public and the mass media can witness the proceedings of this examination," he concluded.

It was also explained that the case was reported by members of the KPU Sangihe Islands Regency Jack Stephen Seba who gave power to Alghiffari Aqsa, Fadli Ramadhanil, Ibnu Syamsu Hidayat, Imanuel Gulo, Airlangga Julio, Yokie Rahmad Isjchwansyah, Hilma Gita, and Ikhsan L Wibisono. Jack Stephen Seba complained about 10 election organizers, including KPU Chairman of North Sulawesi Province Meidy Yafeth Tinangon and North Sulawesi Provincial KPU member Salman Saelangi as well as Lanny Anggriany Oiantu as defendant I, II, and III. Inclusion of Defendant IV KPU North Sulawesi Provincial Secretary Lucky Firnando Majanto and Teradu V Head of Election Implementation Technical Partic Section, Community Relations, Law, and Human Resources of North Sulawes Province KPU Carles Y Worotitjan. In addition, it was also reported that KPU chairman Sangihe Elysee Philby Sinadia and KPU member Sangihe Tomy Mamuaya Regency member Tomy Mamuaya and Iklam Patonaung as defendants VI to VIII. Head of the Technical Sub-Division and Participation Relations of Sangihe Jelly Kantu Regency KPU and member of KPU RI Idham Holik as defendants IX and X. Yudia said that the complainant suspected that the defendant I to I to IX had changed the status of ineligibility (TMS) to meet the requirements (MS) of the Gelora Party, Garuda Party, PKN, and Labor Party in the administrative verification stage, administrative verification of improvement, factual verification, and factual verification of improvement of political parties candidates participating in the 2024 Election. Teradu I to IX are suspected of changing that status by changing the official news data in the Political Party Information System (Sipol) in the period 7 November to December 10, 2022.

Meanwhile, Defendant X allegedly conveyed a threat to all KPU National Consolidation participants throughout Indonesia which was held at the Convention Hall Beach City Entertainment Center (BCEC), Ancol, North Jakarta.

"The threat is that orders must be upright, must not be violated, and those who violate will be put in hospital," Yudia continued.

The reported party will be tried according to the provisions of Article 31 paragraph (1) and (2) DKPP Regulation Number 1 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to DKPP Regulation Number 3 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for the Code of Ethics of General Election Organizers.