The SAR Team Has Combed The Batang River 20 Km Day, The Crew Who Drowned Has Not Yet Been Found

The Joint SAR Team until the second day is still looking for crew members (ABK) who drowned in Batang Hari River, Muaro Jambi Regency, Monday, February 6 yesterday.

The victim fell while cleaning the ship that docked in Talang Duku.

"The SAR team is still conducting a 20 km sweep of the Batang Hari flow for the second day and the results have not been able to find the body of the victim named Wilson (27), a crew member of the Tugboat belonging to PT KBPC who crashed from the ship at 16.00 WIB yesterday," said the Head of the Jambi Basarnas, Kornelis, Tuesday, February 7, as reported by Antara.

Entering the second day of the search for crew members who drowned on behalf of Wilson began at 07.00 WIB. The Joint SAR team consisting of personnel from the Jambi Basarnas, Navy, Polairud Polda Jambi, BPBD Muaro Jambi, and assisted by the community to conduct sweeps downstream of the river.

"The search was carried out as far as 20 km from the scene using the Joint SAR Team equipment including rubber boats from Basarnas, Polairud rubber boats, boats from BPBD, and boats belonging to the community," said Kornelis.

The Jambi Basarnas team initially received a report that a young man on behalf of Wilson drowned in the Batang Hari River while cleaning the ship belonging to PT KBPC in Kunangan Talang Duku Village, Muaro Jambi Regency.

The victim was cleaning the tugboat, then the victim slipped and fell into the Batang Hari River. The victim shouted for help but when the witness was about to help, the victim was not seen and was thought to have drowned.

"After learning about this, Basarnas Jambi immediately dispatched Personnel Rescue to the scene by bringing equipment such as rescue trucks, rubber boats, aqua eyes, diving equipment, medical equipment, and evacuation equipment," he said.