Ke Polda Metro Karena Diundang, Bripka Madih Curhat Disebut Polisi Kampung Usai Video Rp100 Juta Viral

JAKARTA - Today, the member of the Jatinegara Provos Bripka Madih, who went viral because he was furious, was asked for Rp. 100 million when reporting the land case to come to the Polda Metro Jaya. Bripka Madih admitted that he was invited."Invited us. Invited if the past we confront it, it is found with parties who feel unprofessional at work like that, which today was found with what the official said was, ” said Mahhih at Polda Metro Jaya, Sunday, February 5.Mahdi hopes that the case that harmed him can be guarded. Not only that, he expressed his gratitude to the National Police Headquarters for highlighting the case. However, Mahdi was also disappointed with the two Polda Metro Jaya officials for his statement.“Ente told anne an ordinary member, who was said to be a low-ranking police officer, who was not educated enough, village police. We are said to have mobilized the masses, this is the mass. Let's not just say it, who said it? High-ranking officials at Polda Metro Jaya. Please respect us as creatures of Allah, ” the lid.Bripka Madih Langgar A number of Code of EthicsPreviously it was reported that a member of the Jatinegara Police Provos, Bripka Madih, was suspected of committing a number of ethical violations after a video of himself raging went viral on January 31. First Brigadier Madih was also reported by someone."Bripka Madih is suspected of violating discipline and code of ethics. The person concerned is in accordance with a report from someone and from a viral video that already exists," said Head of Propam Polda Metro Jaya Kombes FX Bhirawa Braja Paksa to reporters quoted on Saturday, February 4.This alleged ethical violation, continued Bhirawa, was because Bripka Madih acted inappropriately for the police in public spaces."Then the person concerned also installed a sign, then the person concerned was also in a place that should not be together with several people," he said.Thus, he is suspected of violating Article 5 letter a of Government Regulation Number 2 of 2003 concerning Disciplinary Regulations for Members of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia.In addition, Bripka Madih is also suspected of violating Article 13 letter g paragraph 1 paragraph 4 of the Police Regulation (Perpol) Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Code of Ethics Commission of the Indonesian National Police."The result of his actions on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at around 13.00 WIB has also made a statement via TV media, online media, which reported the case handling of land cases at the General Criminal Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya," explained Bhirawa.In addition, Polda Metro Jaya also revealed that Bripka Madih had stumbled upon a case of domestic violence. He was reported twice by his wife.The first report was submitted by his wife, SK in 2014. Regarding this allegation, the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) stated that Bripka Madih had committed a disciplinary violation.Meanwhile, the second report was submitted by Madih's second wife in August 2022. This allegation was then handled by the Police Propam Division. The second wife of Madih was not reported officially. So, he did not get an allowance."This case is a code of ethics violation. The code of ethics trial cannot yet be carried out because the victim, on behalf of his second wife SS, this was also carried out by domestic violence. He has not been able to attend the Propam at the East Jakarta Metro Police, so that's his business with Propam," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko to reporters, Friday.