Cooking Oil Supply In Lebak Alami Is Delayed

JAKARTA - The distribution of cooking oil from producers in Lebak Regency, Banten Province, is experiencing delays so that supplies to a number of markets are reduced. "We deny that cooking oil supplies occur in scarcity, but distribution is experiencing delays," said the Head of Trade for the Department of Industry and Trade (Disperindag) of Lebak Regency, Dedi Setiawan, quoted by Antara, Sunday. Supply of cooking oil in both bulk and packaged types in Lebak Regency is relatively safe and prices are relatively stable. However, currently the supply of cooking oil is experiencing delays. Therefore, his party asked cooking oil producers to speed up distribution, so that consumer demand was met. "We have submitted letters to cooking oil producers mostly from outside the region so that distribution runs smoothly," said Dedi. According to him, when the price of cooking oil in the market is relatively stable. The type of bulk oil is sold for Rp. 14,500/liter and packaged oil is Rp. 18,000. The local government continues to optimize monitoring and monitoring of cooking oil in a number of traditional markets so that there is no hoarding, especially facing Ramadhan. In fact, his party together with the local police visited the cooking oil agent, however, no hoarding persons have been found. "We will certainly process legally if found hoarding cooking oil, because in 2022 it was found hoarding cooking oil as much as 25 tons," he said.

Meanwhile, Yadi, a cooking oil agent at Rangkasbitung Market, admitted that since the last month the distribution of cooking oil from producers had been delayed. "However, he said, fortunately there is no shortage of cooking oil in the market. Usually, 10 tons of cooking oil is supplied a day, but now it can be two days to receive distribution from producers. "We don't know the cause of delays in the supply of cooking oil from the producer," said Yadi.