Not In The Capital City, The Best Hospital For The Minister Of Health Is Precisely Named RSUD Dr. Iskak Tulungagung

JAKARTA - Achievements, technology and services from the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) dr. Iskak Tulungagung, East Java also spread to the ears of the Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin. Budi Gunadi was willing to fly to East Java just to be able to see firsthand the greatness of dr. Iskak Tulungagung.

"My goal is to come here to see dr. Iskak Tulungagung Hospital. I heard that there have been many achievements, the service to the community is good, the information technology is also good, so I want to see for myself," said the Minister of Health in his official statement, Friday, February 3.

RSUD dr. Iskak is a type B hospital owned by the government of Tulungagung Regency. This hospital is also a referral in East Java that has succeeded in making various brilliant achievements at both the national and international levels.

RSUD dr. Iskak has implemented various health service innovations since 2015 in order to provide excellent health services for all people in Tulungagung Regency.

All patients, both general patients, BPJS patients and patients with certain insurance have the same right to get health services quickly and accurately.

Several excellent services include the Public Service Center (PSC 199), Si Poetri (Interline registration system without queues), Laskar (Integrated Acute Koronaria Syndrome Service). All these services are integrated with each other, so that services can be carried out quickly.

The Minister of Health assesses the success of RSUD dr. Iskak in innovating health services, cannot be separated from the good hospital management system. So it is able to produce various health services that are effective and efficient for patients as well as being able to create internal comfort for all health workers and health support personnel. One of them is a fair and transparent remuneration system.

"This is a remote area, but it turns out that it is advanced, to the management of the hospital, and integrated," said the Minister of Health.

The Minister of Health specifically praised the governance and innovation of health services implemented at dr. Iskak Tulungagung is considered capable of providing excellent health services for the community in Tulungagung.

This innovation, continued the Minister of Health, is in line with the health transformation agenda currently being implemented by the Ministry of Health, especially in the second pillar of the transformation of referral services. Therefore he also plans to replicate this good practice into a national program.

"That's right, that's why I spoke to the President Director, whether the system can be contracted or not. Yesterday we stunted from Sumedang, we also took it to the President. If this is a hospital, I think it's one of the best, right, it's good if there are local innovations, because it's proven that it's running," explained the Minister of Health.

President Director of RSUD dr. Iskak, Supriyanto Dharmoredjo welcomed and supported the Minister of Health's plan. He said, the key to providing excellent health services is synergy, integration and good collaboration as well as the common goal between stakeholders in their respective regions.