Marine Collagen For Face, What Are The Benefits?

JAKARTA - Collagen is a type of protein produced by the body. Collagen can be found in bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs, blood vessels, intestines, tissues, and skin. Unfortunately, as the age begins in the mid-20s, the body begins producing fewer collagen

A poor diet can also reduce the level of collagen in the body. When the body does not produce many collagen, then signs such as wrinkled skin, weakened muscles, rigid ligament and tendon, joint pain, and digestive problems begin to appear.

Because most of us don't get enough collagen through food, complementing quality collagen sources is very important to keep our skin healthy. In addition to collagen from cattle and pigs, you can try consuming collagen from fish or also called marine collagen.

This useful content comes entirely from fish collagen, both from fish skin and scales. Marine collagen has the most efficient level of absorption compared to other types of collagen. Its unique composition and structure bring many benefits, especially marine collagen for the face. What are the benefits?

Just like other collagen, marine collagen can help delay signs of aging such as wrinkles and joints problems, according to WebMD, Thursday, February 2. In addition to anti-aging benefits, marine collagen also provides an alternative for people who have problems consuming collagen from beef and pork.

Marine collagen is also considered an environmentally friendly alternative. The fishing industry often has a lot of unused raw materials from the fish they catch, including fish skin for marine collagen.

So marine collagen offers a more economical and environmentally friendly choice for cosmetic companies. Instead of getting rid of fish skin, the company can use the excess material to make skin care products.

Until now, researchers are still studying the effectiveness of marine collagen as a supplement. The slab breaks most of the foods that are eaten before being absorbed into the bloodstream. Thus, it is not clear whether the body really benefits from collagen supplements or not.

Although marine collagen is currently popular for skin care ingredients, doctors believe that other treatments such as retinol, tretinoin, and vitamin C can provide more benefits. This cream can help your body create collagen and can also eliminate inflammation that can damage the body's natural collagen.