Indonesia Called None Entering The 2022 GPAC Gegara State Category Merosot 4 Points

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said that Indonesia deserves to be categorized as a corrupt country after the corruption perception index (IPK) or corruption perception index (CPI) has decreased four points. The narrative of strengthening efforts to eradicate rasuah is also considered unproven.

"It is not wrong to conclude that Indonesia deserves and deserves to be categorized as a corrupt country," ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana told reporters in a written statement quoted on Thursday, February 2.

The decline in the number was also followed by the decline in Indonesia's ranking from 96 to 110. "Instead of improving the fate of eradicating corruption, it has actually become more prominent lately," said the anti-corruption activist.

Kurnia said that the chaotic efforts to eradicate corruption were not in accordance with President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) statement on World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) 2022.

At that time, Jokowi alluded to corruption as the root of the problems that occurred in the country. However, Kurnia assessed that the declining condition of the GPA did not show a spirit of eradicating racism.

"It can be concluded that the strands of the presidential sentence related to eradicating corruption are just sweeteners of speech," he said.

"In addition, ahead of the change of power in 2024, the President failed to pass on a good anti-corruption policy," continued Kurnia.

Indonesia's GPA has dropped four points from 38 to 34. This assessment was conveyed by Transparency International Indonesia (TII).

"Indonesia's CPI in 2022 is at a score of 34 on a scale of 100 and is ranked 110 out of 180 countries surveyed. This score has dropped four points from 2021 and is the most drastic decline since 1995," said Deputy Transparency International Indonesia (TII) Wawan Suyatmiko in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 31.

There are three data sources that have decreased compared to the previous year, namely PRS which slumped 13 points; IMD World Competitiveness chance which fell 5 points; and PERC Asia which fell by 3 points.

Furthermore, there are three sources of data that have stagnation, namely the Global Insight, Bertelsmann Transformation Index, and the Economist Intelligence Unit. While the ones that have increased are the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index and Varieties of Democracy Project (VDem).

With a GPA of 34, Indonesia is now below Timor Leste and Vietnam which got a score of 42. Meanwhile, for Southeast Asia, Singapore is a country that is considered least corrupt with a score of 83.

Meanwhile, at the global level, Denmark was ranked first with a GPA 90 followed by Finland and New Zealand with IPK 87, Norway 84, Singapore and Sweden 83 and Switzerland 82.

While in the lowest position there was Somalia with a score of 12. Syria and South Sudan won the score 13 and Venezuela got a score of 14.