What's The Difference Between Digitation, Digitalization And Digital Transformation?

JAKARTA - During the series of Acer Edu Summit 2023 events in Jakarta, Tian Belawati as President, International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) and Chancellor of Open University for the 2009-2017 period explained the material related to digital transformation.

According to him, if we talk about digital transformation, it means that we have gone through two stages, namely the Digitation and Digitization stages. So what's the difference?

"Digitasi itu merupakan tahap pertama yang sudah dilakukan oleh semua orang. Banyak orang berpikira saat mereka sudah menggunakan teknologi, mereka merasa sudah betransformasi digital. Padahal belum," ujar Tian.

Tian added that Digitation is an early stage which is also the easiest stage, where we have used technology to do something. For example, if in the past we had to print a letter and send it directly to another party, with the existence of technology, we only needed to send it in the form of softcopy.

Entering the second stage, Digitalization. At this stage, we must be able to take advantage of technology to help automate. The goal is to make it easier for all previously done work manually.

"For example, for example, if we make RPS, we have to make a table first, this is first, and in the Explore of Science program, we have provided a template and we just need to use it," he explained.

After going through these two stages, the final stage or final goal is digital transformation, where we can all use advanced technology that suits the needs and is comfortable for everyone to use.

"So digital transformation is something that is planned to use a holistic approach that is in accordance with needs and norms. Because if it is not appropriate, it is also a lie," concluded Tian.

Tian also added that digital transformation in schools has four main dimensions and is also very important, including:

These four dimensions are interrelated. When we want to transform, the first thing that is needed is technology that includes infrastructure, hardware and software.

"Then, digital transformation only relies on technology without any pedagogy or approach, it will be useless," Tian explained.

Then, if both dimensions have been fulfilled, it is important for teachers to create digital learning content that attracts students to use existing technology.

"Finally, if all that is okay, but the human resources are silent, that's it, all disbanded," he said.