Residents Affected By The Cianjur Earthquake Rejected Permanent Relocation Of Government Assistance, BNPB Disbursed Their Terms

JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has allowed residents affected by the Cianjur earthquake who refuse relocation to be guaranteed to continue to receive government assistance. However, provided that they carry out independent relocation outside the red zone or the fault area of the Cugenang Sesar.

Deputy for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of BNPB Jarwansyah said residents who own land outside the red or dangerous zones that will be relocated can build their own houses in the orange or yellow zone.

"For the construction to be earthquake resistant, residents who refuse to relocate will still receive government assistance because they choose to self-relocation because they feel they own land in other areas that are not included in the restricted zone," he said in Cianjur, West Java (West Java), Tuesday, January 31, was confiscated by Antara.

Meanwhile, regarding the disbursement of aid, he continued, according to the submission, it will be given in stages or stimulants, so residents who have not received it are asked to be patient because the disbursement process is ongoing for all earthquake victims who have been recorded.

"For those who have not been recorded or experienced changes in damage can argue through the village, so that the assistance received is in accordance with the latest conditions," he said.

Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman added, for the disbursement of house repairs assistance for residents in Cugenang District, it has entered stage III because most of the villages are located in the epicenter of the earthquake or faults where aftershocks often occur.

This, he said, caused a lot of damage to change, but residents were able to propose changes to the damage according to the latest conditions, such as damage being heavy or from light to being able to be submitted through the village or the liaison service.

"Why enter stage III because conditions in most areas of Cugenang still often occur aftershocks, causing new damage. For residents who file a rebuttal on initial data collection, they can apply through the village or the liaison service," said Herman.