4 How To Adapt With Changes That Occur In Life

JAKARTA - Changes in life can come from time to time. Every age and phase of life will present various experiences to new challenges that need to be faced. New changes in the fields of education, work, and relationships are often unavoidable and need to be faced with readiness.

How to be better prepared to face new changes in life? Given that there will be a lot of new uncertainties to meet, anxiety and anxiety usually arise when moving forward. Here are four ways to adapt to changes in life that you can try, according to PsychCentral, Tuesday, January 31.

Kateosia, a licensed professional counselor from St. Louis, Missouri, suggests finding and traveling around yourself with people who can support you through change.

"The first way to improve adaptability is to find a reliable support system that can also teach us about life," saidTEN.

Have you ever asked yourself why changes feel uncomfortable and fun? If so, Dr. Jenn Hardy is a licensed psychologist from Maryville, Tennesse mentions that you need to understand why you reject change.

"When we realize that it comes from unstable emotions or traumas that have been experienced before, then try to get close to yourself and learn a lot about compassion," Hardy said.

Hardy adds that stress can make you feel as if a change is impossible. Instead, often stress is a sign it's time for you to change.

No need to talk about the stress experienced in the people around you. Because you actually know which part of your life needs to be adjusted. Start taking action to adapt to it," explained Hardy.

Consider how to make changes something useful for you and the people around you, advises Halle M. Thomas, a licensed marriage and family therapist from Portland, Oregon.

"If necessary, try to write down these changes on a list so you can see them more clearly," concluded Thomas.