Unique Phenomenon On Mars, There Is A Face Of Teddy Bears On The Planet's Surface

JAKARTA - Mars has a surface with a rock that resembles the most popular doll in the world of Teddy bears or bears. This phenomenon was discovered by scientists who studied about the planet.

Seen in a picture shared on January 25 by The University of Arizona (UA), the phenomenon looks like the face of a very large teddy bear.

The structure is complete with two eyes like beads, a button nose and mouth facing up and sneering at NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) camera.

According to the UA, this extraordinary photo of various geological formations was taken on December 12, 2022, when the MRO drove about 156 miles (251 kilometers) above the Red Planet.

But according to a statement posted to the UA High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera blog, it's not really a doll left there, it's probably just a damaged hill in the middle of an ancient crater.

"There are hills with V-shaped collapse structures (miracles), two craters (eyes), and a circular fracture (head) pattern," the statement read.

"The circular fracture pattern may be caused by deposition of deposits over the buried crater", he added.

The appearance of this bear's face is claimed from a collection of rocks and dusty gaps thanks to a phenomenon called paridolia, a psychological tendency that makes people find meaning in pictures or random sounds.

Space provides endless food for paridolia. For example, once a nebula (gas and random dust) was also found that looked like a monster destroying the city of Godzilla, or a Martian rock formation that NASA had thought was Mzzling Beaker meeping.

The newly discovered Mars Addy bear beam and doll HiRISE is one of six science instruments on the MRO. Launching Space, Monday, January 30, HiRISE has been photographing the Red Planet from orbit since 2006 and, according to the UA, is the most powerful camera ever sent to another planet.